Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge – Flycatcher

Flycatcher at Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge
Flycatcher at Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge

I visited the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge yesterday for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed the variety of birds that were present.  The refuge features a several mile long boardwalk trail that at this time of the year provides access to viewing of shorebirds, herons, eagles, etc.

There is also a shorter boardwalk loop trail through the trees in a forested area.  The area that this trail passes through was filled with songbirds, warblers and other interesting birds including the flycatcher in the photo above.  This bird was sitting on a branch near the top of a tree and would periodically fly a little ways away and grab a bug, then would return to the same branch.

There are several different types of flycatchers that are seen in the refuge (Willow Flycatcher, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Western Wood-peewee), and I’m not certain what type of flycatcher this is in the photo – according to the birding books they are difficult to distinguish between.  (Perhaps a birder with more expertise in this area can shoot me a note or leave a comment on the site to let me know what type of flycatcher this is!)

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