View From Hurricane Ridge
Olympic Mountains from Hurricane Ridge.

View From Hurricane Ridge

My last post covered Sol Duc Falls, the “poster child” waterfall in Olympic National Park in Northwest, Washington. Another must-see in the park is the view from Hurricane Ridge.

Hurricane Ridge is stunning. An easy (although winding) 30-minute drive from Port Angeles, Washington, climbs over 5,000 feet to bring you to a breathtaking overlook of the Olympic Mountains.

I recently visited Hurricane Ridge on a photography scouting mission in late June. Unfortunately it was the middle of the day and the lighting was terrible. However, the view from Hurricane Ridge was still amazing and I plan to return next spring or early summer for sunrise photography when there’s more snow on the mountains.

Hurricane Ridge is also a great place for wildflower photography and you can see one example in the photo at the top of this post. We were a bit early for the best wildflower season–that’s usually around mid-July–but there were still some nice flowers to be found in late June.

Black-tailed Deer at Hurricane Ridge

For wildlife lovers, there are quite a few Black-tailed deer roaming near the National Park Visitor Center and on the trails. This young buck walked past my wife and I on the Hurricane Hill trail and was so close I almost couldn’t get my lens to focus.

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