Yellowstone Red Dog
Hayden Valley Baby Bison

Yellowstone Red Dog

I just returned from Yellowstone National Park. What an amazing place for a wildlife photographer! I had many opportunities to shoot closeups of animals that included bison, elk, and pronghorn.…

Snowy Owl Story and Photos
Snowy Owl on Edmonds Waterfront

Snowy Owl Story and Photos

Check out my Snowy Owl story and photos recently printed in the July/August issue of Bird Watcher's Digest! The story, "Meeting the Neighbors," describes an unexpected encounter with a Snowy…

Song Sparrow On A Cattail
Song Sparrow on a Cattail

Song Sparrow On A Cattail

Birders often call small brown nondescript birds like sparrows LBJs, short for "little brown jobs." Strictly speaking Song Sparrows qualify as LBJs. However as the photo above shows these little…

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