Edmonds Summer Birds

A Belted Kingfisher at the Edmonds marsh.
Belted Kingfisher

Here are a few bird photos from July at the marsh and on the waterfront in Edmonds, Washington. The Kingfisher in the photo above was fishing in the marsh and would return to the branch to eat each time it caught something.

The Osprey below was patrolling up and down the waterfront, and would periodically stop and hover while scanning the water. At one point it hovered almost directly over my head (I was on the path that runs along the water), and I was able to get several shots of it from relatively close.

An Osprey on the waterfront in Edmonds, WA.
Osprey On Edmonds Waterfront

The White-crowned Sparrow was putting on a beautiful early morning concert at the marsh when I snapped the photo below.

A White-crowned Sparrow at the Edmonds Marsh.
White-crowned Sparrow at Edmonds Marsh.

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