For a variety of reasons, my website hasn’t seen much love the last few years. I’m working to change that, and for starters I’m updating my Edmonds Puget Sound photos. I love Edmonds, Washington, the small town where I have lived for over 30 years. The area features a never ending variety of waterfront and wildlife photography subjects only 5-minutes away and sometimes in my own backyard.
My Edmonds photo gallery is displayed above and you can also reach it from my Edmonds portfolio link. Hopefully I’ll be better moving forward about keeping the gallery up-to-date. So check back periodically to see new Edmonds Puget Sound photos.
Edmonds is located 15 miles north of Seattle on Puget Sound and was incorporated in 1890. The town got its start as a logging town but today is primarily a waterfront residential area with great shops and restaurants. Go to Explore Edmonds to learn more about the area’s shops, restaurants and events.
Please enjoy my photographs of Puget Sound, the Olympic Mountains, ferry boats, whales, seals, birds and the town of Edmonds! All photos are available as matted prints and prints on canvas and metal. My “Edmonds Sunrise On The Olympic Mountains” photo is also available as a sticker and magnet (see below). Shoot me an email at or contact me via the website if you are interested in any prints, stickers or magnets.